City of Buffalo Partners with EagleHawk to help prevent building collapses and structural failures.
Transform your view.
Proactive asset inspections deliver insights that enable our clients to better control costs, improve safety, reduce energy waste, and extend the useful life of their assets. Our approach leverages proven technology to improve upon traditional inspection methods, which are often ineffective and expensive, resulting in the most cost-effective way to accurately assess the condition of these assets on a regular basis.
Commercial Roofing
Get the job done faster and safer with EagleHawk’s drone-enabled commercial roof inspections. Use our data and imagery to make the right decisions at the right time.
District Heating Systems
District heating systems are expensive and complicated to inspect. EagleHawk’s drone-enabled district heating system inspections are simple, fast and cost effective.
Building Facade & Envelopes
Inspect your entire building from your office with the imagery and data EagleHawk’s drone-enabled inspections capture for you. Keep your building operating as designed.
Mapping & GIS
Land and urban planning, mining, construction, archeology, and more industries all benefit from EagleHawk’s drone-enabled mapping & GIS services.
Utility Infrastructure
Governments and private utilities no longer need to rely on technicians or helicopters to pinpoint issues. Our drone-enabled inspections capture the data they need.
Solar Panels
We offer aerial inspections for both residential and commercial locations. Our inspections increase data quantity and quality so your panels stay efficient.